A few days ago, actress Surabhi Sanyal and her boyfriend Suman Dey, who is also a popular actor in the same industry, were seen on a reality show, hosted by Rachna Banerjee. The actress also accepted their relationship in front of the camera. But suddenly a shocking incident happened in Surabhi Sanyal's life.
In Surabhi's words, Suman Dey cheated on her. She found Suman intimate with another woman in his flat. So, she took this step.
Regarding the separation, Surabhi told the media, ''I have not been in touch with Suman for almost a month. He was caught red-handed with another woman in his flat on the day of the Football World Cup final. I can't believe he cheated on me. In ''Didi No. 1'', I talked about my relationship and my marriage. I belong to a middle-class family. I feel bad that my parents have to listen to so much crap because of my breakup.''
Surabhi Sanyal and Suman Dey both hail from Siliguri and have known each other for a long time. Suman and Surabhi both decided to get married after dating for a year. The duo decided to tie the knot by the end of this year or the first month of next year. Their families also accepted their relationship. But this incident broke Surabhi. And when Suman Dey was asked about this incident, he replied, ''I don't want to comment on this, sorry!''