Oindrila Sen Tested Positive, But No Symptoms

Ankush Hazra & Oindrila Sen (Instagram)

Today 31st March is Oindrila Sen's Birthday. But the actress is not happy on her birthday. Actress Oindrila Sen tested Covid positive. A few days ago, the actress went to the Maldives with her boyfriend Ankush Hazra. Ankush and Oindrila share some happy moments with their fans through social media. Oindrila said they were scheduled to return to Kolkata on March 27th.  That's why according to government rules, Ankush and Oindrila were tested for Covid 19. But unfortunately, Oindrila Sen tested covid positive. Although Oindrila has not received the report in hand, she was informed by phone call. But the interesting is that Oindrila has no symptoms, even she didn't feel any weakness.

On the other hand, Ankush tested covid negative. Anyway, Ankush and Oindrila have not returned to Kolkata yet. Oindrila regrets not being able to stay with her family on her birthday. However, her boyfriend Ankush did not let her birthday be wasted. Ankush maintains the smile on Oindrila's face by making a cake at the hotel. They are currently staying at the hotel in isolation. After completing all the processes, they will return to Kolkata.

Source - ETimes

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