Actress Soumitrisha Kundu who playing the titular role in Mithai television drama will be seen as Mahishasura Mardini this year. Durga Puja is one of the most awaited festivals all over India. Not only Bengalis, people of all religions look forward to this festival. And Mahalaya is an important and emotional part closely associated with Durga Puja. The morning of Mahalaya day, Bengali starts by watching Mahalaya programs on the TV screen. Every year the entertainment channels compete to present the best shows in Mahalaya. The audiences are also interested to know which actress will be seen as Mahishasura Mardini.
As per the recent buzz, Actress Soumitrisha Kundu who playing the titular role in Mithai television drama will be seen as Mahishasura Mardini in Mahalaya program on Zee Bangla. Soumitrisha Kundu has already taken a soft corner in the hearts of the audiences by playing Mithai's character on television. Last year, Soumitrisha Kundu was seen as Devi Kamini in Mahalaya where Subhashree Ganguly played the lead. And this year, Soumitrisha replacing Subhashree Ganguly and will be as Mahishasura Mardini on the screen of Zee Bangla where Jamuna Dhaki fame Rubel Das will portray the character of Lord Shiva.