Who said miracles don't happen? Said Sabyasachi Chowdhury

Who said miracles don't happen? Said Sabyasachi Chowdhury
Who said miracles don't happen? Said Sabyasachi Chowdhury

Aindrila Sharma has proved it again and again with her life that miracle happens. The actress, who was admitted due to a brain stroke on November 1, suffered multiple cardiac arrests a few days ago. The heart rate was started dropping. At a point it dropped below 40. There were no more numbers on the monitor. Aindrila's loved ones started crying. However, the doctors did not give up.

On Friday (November 18) night, Sabyasachi Chowdhury made a post and revealed how tough it was for Aindrila after having multiple cardiac arrests. He wrote how her heartbeat dangerously dropped, doctors lost all hope, and suggested her family ‘let her go peacefully, and finally, the miracle happened. 

He did not forget to mention that Aindrila's family never sought any financial help from anyone. He did not miss to thank singer Arijit Singh, who brought a ray of positivity in a 'negative environment'.

Sabyasachi Chowdhury wrote' The day before yesterday, she suffered cardiac arrest, suddenly her heartbeat dropped to 40, and then there was a blank line on the monitor, everyone was crying while the doctors where rushing to her help. Due to medical assistance, her heart rate came back to 120. But suddenly, her heartbeat gradually started decreasing, so was her respiratory rate and blood pressure as if someone kept the sand clock upside down.” He also revealed how a neurosurgeon, who was specially brought from another hospital for Aindrila’s treatment, had lost all hope.'

'The hospital brought a neurosurgeon for a final attempt, who said- she left us long ago- why are you keeping her like this? Let her go peacefully.'

'In the meantime, for the sake of Facebook, someone has spread the news that Aindrila is no more. Phones started pouring in like water, Saurabh is out shooting, Dibya can't handle it alone. I felt compelled to post to prevent necessity, within twenty minutes all was quiet again. Her blood pressure started decreasing from the next morning, I informed her parents.'

'After the afternoon, I saw Aindrila's hands, feet, and face swelling, body was cold. Heart rate drops to 46, BP 60/30. The doctor's words from the previous day were resonating in my head, I feel guilty for holding her body like this, I couldn't stay and told her mother that I can't see so much pain anymore, what was the need to do so much, let her go peacefully. But then again, it isn’t easy to let her go'.

'It was approximately 8 pm and I was downstairs, in a gloomy mood, Aindrila shook her hand. I rushed to her and saw her heartbeat is 91 and blood pressure shot up to 130/80. Who says miracle doesn’t happen?” he wrote.'

'At the moment Aindrila is without any kind of support, even trying to come off the ventilation. Get well clinically first then I will think about a neurologist', Chowdhury added.

Here is the post:

In his long post, Sabyasachi thanked everyone who have been praying for the actress, and also, he didn’t forget to indirectly slam actor Ritwick Chakraborty for one of his recent posts which became controversial.

He also added 'I know God doesn't do Facebook, So I asked to pray from the heart, not from the phone. He also clarified that Aindrila’s family has been taking care of the medical expenses and never sought any financial assistance from anyone. Neither they took any financial help from anyone.'

He also wrote, 'in the midst of so much negativity in the last two days, the only person who showed me the first light by giving me some information, with whom I freely discussed the treatment throughout the day, and It was Arijit Singh.'

ALSO READ: Aindrila Sharma suffered cardiac arrest 10 times on last Saturday (November 19) night

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