Actor-MP Mimi Chakraborty is on a busy schedule these days as her film 'Khela Jaokhan' is all set to hit the theaters on 2nd December. The charming actress along with the rest of the cast visited various locations in the city to promote their film, which is directed by none other than Arindam Sil. In the post, we shared some stills of Mimi Chakraborty from the promotional event for 'Khela Jawkhon'. The versatile actress Mimi Chakraborty looks absolutely stunning and glamours in saree with sleeveless blouse in these photos.
Pics Courtesy - Mimi Chakraborty (Instagram)
See the pictures below:
Mimi Chakraborty-Starrer film 'Khela Jawkhon' is an action thriller film in which she will play the lead role as Urmi. Apart from Mimi, the film also stars Arjun Chakrabarty, Harsh Chhaya, June Malia, Barun Chanda, Alokananda Roy, Arna Mukhopadhyay, Joydip Kundu, Ashim Roychowdhury and Karan Hariharan in pivotal roles.
This film is a joint venture of SVF, Camellia Production, and Rajprotim Ventures that revolves around Urmi, who meets with a horrific accident that leads her to take some drastic steps in search of her identity. She tries to unlock every clue to find out the truth and reality. The film is about the complications arising from the question of what is the truth and what is not.