Popular TV actor Arnab Banerjee, who has been a part of several drama series including Alta Phoring, has bagged a pivotal role in the brand-new show 'Jol Thoi Thoi Valobasa' which premieres on 25th September. A few days ago, the makers of 'Jol Thoi Thoi Valobasa' serial shared a promo that introduced the show's leading ladies Aparajita Adhya and Anusha Viswanathan showing a sweet relationship between daughter Tota and mother, Kojagori Basu.
Today, the channel has shared a new promo for the new show 'Jol Thoi Thoi Valobasa', featuring the male leads Arnab Banerjee and Chandan Sen. The show stars Arnab Banerjee as protagonist Kojagori Basu's son and Chandan Sen as her husband. Apart from these four popular faces, the new daily soap also stars Anashua Majumdar and Debottam Majumder in pivotal roles.
Arnab Banerjee and Debottam Majumder will be seen as Aparajita Adhya’s sons in the show on Star Jalsha.
Watch the promo here:
Arnab Banerjee has been a part of several shows like Alta Phoring, Sreemoye, etc. Arnab Banerjee gained massive popularity playing the male lead opposite Kheyali Mondal in Star Jalsha's show Alta Phoring. Apart from all these drama series, he also acted in various shows like Alo Chhaya, Sanyashi Raja, Raage Anuraage, Premer Phaande, Tomay Amay Mile and Sindoorkhela, etc.