The official teaser of Saibal Mukherjee's film Kurban, starring Ankush Hazra and Priyanka Sarkar in the lead roles, is out now. A few days ago, the official poster of the film 'Kurban' was revealed by the makers featuring Ankush Hazra in a different avatar like never seen before. And yesterday, Ankush Hazra shared the official teaser of 'Kurban' where he will be seen in a different avatar opposite Priyanka Sarkar. Ankush Hazra also revealed that the film will also be released in Bangladesh.
Apart from Ankush Hazra and Priyanka Sarkar, the film also stars Shantilal Mukherjee, Subhadra Chakraborty, Budhdhadeb Bhattacharya and Kanchan Mullick in pivotal roles.
Speaking about the film, it revolves around Hasan and Hijal. Director Saibal Mukherjee will tell the story of a Muslim family in Bengal through this movie. It will tell a humane tale in a rural backdrop. In the film, Hasan has his abba, ammi, ammi's adopted sister, her son Hasu, and Hijal. Hasan is a sensitive person who loves them immensely and looks at life differently than others, which throws him grave challenges. A storm comes to Hasan's happy family and his values are questioned. What happens next is the crux of the story.
Watch the teaser here: