Acclaimed actor Rajesh Sharma, known for his powerpack performances in Bengali and Hindi movies and series, has bagged a new gripping thriller series 'NH 6', co-starring Debleena Dutta in the lead role. These two powerpack performers Rajesh Sharma and Debleena Dutta have teamed up for a new Bengali thriller series 'NH 6' which will stream on a leading OTT platform.
Apart from Rajesh Sharma and Debleena Dutta, the series also stars Judhajit Sarkar, Gaurav Mallick, and Madhumita Sengupta in pivotal roles.
Rajesh Sharma, who has many critically acclaimed movies and series from both Bollywood and Tollywood to his credit, will be seen in a Bengali series after a long time through this new series 'NH 6' which will be streaming on 'KLiKK' OTT platform.
About the story of 'KLiKK' Original series 'NH 6'
Speaking about the story of the series, it revolves around Bob, a real estate businessman, and his wife Nimisha. The story takes a turn when Bob was going to Nimisha's place to meet her parents and get into trouble.
The couple is all excited about the meeting as it is Bob's first visit to Nimisha’s parents. When everything was going well, Bob’s car broke down at a deserted place on the highway. Seeing no other option, Bob is forced to seek help from a stranger on the highway.
Bob asks the man about any hotels since Nimisha needs to use a restroom. The man mentions a nearby petrol station which also has a restroom. Nimisha accepts a ride from the stranger to reach the petrol pump. It becomes a nightmare for Bob when Nimisha goes missing. Without wasting a moment, Bob calls the local cops for help. But surprisingly, the police found no evidence of his wife's presence during the trip. Even the man who offered help to Bob on the highway refused to see Nimisha. The mystery does not end here. When police contacted Nimisha's parents, her mother denied knowing Bob at all.
Talking about his series 'NH 6', director John Halder said, the entire series was shot on the streets of Jharkhand. Hills, jungles, and thrillers—those three are my favorites. And my connection with different areas of Jharkhand is long.