Aindrila Sharma health Update: Aindrila suffered a cardiac arrest

Aindrila Sharma health Update: Aindrila suffered a heart attack
Aindrila Sharma health Update: Aindrila suffered a heart attack

Actress Aindrila Sharma, a two-time cancer survivor, is hospitalized due to a brain stroke since 1st November 2022. Yesterday (November 15), it was reported that the actress is still in critical condition. She has fever and is kept on the support of CPAP machine. But now her condition has worsened. According to the latest report on Wednesday (November 16), Aindrila suffered from an episode of cardiac arrest. Her physical condition is not stable now. She had to get cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedures.

On Tuesday (November 15), the hospital reported that the scan report showed that Aindrila had a blood clot on the opposite side of the surgery in her head. The doctors said that new antibiotics have already been introduced for the actress instead of the previous medicine. Her body is being monitored carefully to see if she responds.

The doctors also said that it is not possible to operate on the newly formed blood clot. The new 'blood clots' are so small that they can only be reduced with medicine. Hospital sources had already hinted the situation is not promising at all.

The last week, Aindrila's boyfriend Sabyasachi Chowdhury informed that she was responding to the treatment. But her condition turned critical again.

Meanwhile, Sabyasachi Chowdhury, who is also a popular actor, took to his social media handle and asked everyone to pray for a 'miracle'. Sabyasachi wrote ' I never thought I would write this here; I wrote it today. Pray for Aindrila from your heart. Pray for a miracle. Pray for a miracle to happen.' Aindrila's mother Shikha Sharma shared a similar post requesting everyone to pray for her daughter's recovery. 

Also Read: Who said miracles don't happen? Said Sabyasachi Chowdhury

Source - Anandabazar Patrika

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