Aindrila Sharma Birthday: Shikha Sharma shares how she celebrated Aindrila's birthday

Aindrila Sharma Birthday: Shikha Sharma shares how she celebrated Aindrila's birthday
Aindrila Sharma Birthday: Shikha Sharma shares how she celebrated Aindrila's birthday

Today is the birth anniversary of late actress Aindrila Sharma. She would have turned 25 this February 5 had she lived. The young actress, who beat cancer twice, died in November last year. On such a memorable day, Aindrila's mom Shikha Sharma shared how she celebrated Aindrila Sharma's last birthday.

In fact, Shikha Sharma is also a cancer patient and underwent surgery a few months ago. In a conversation with Anandabazar Patrika, she shared her feelings on this day. Shikha said, ''25 years ago on this day at 7.34 am my Misthi (Aindrila's nickname) was born. I haven't been able to sleep since Saturday night. I am having a lot of trouble. I used to cook her favorite sweets on her birthday. Five types of fried, fish, and meat. She also loved eating Chingri malai curry.''

"Yes, Sabyasachi was supposed to come today (Sunday). But Sabyasachi called me. He has fever since Saturday which has reached 103. So, he told me he won't come" Shikha Sharma added.

Aindrila's mother is alone on this special day at home in Kolkata. Her husband is out of town for work and her elder daughter is in Delhi.

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